Family Photos     


The Cottrell clan in Kents Store, Fluvanna County, Virginia, around 1950.
The children (L-R) in the front row, are Kay Barrett, Connie Gardner, Betsy
Barrett, Susan Gardner, Bobette Staples Barrett (Kay, Betsy and Bobette
are daughters of Cladyne Cottrell Barrett), Patricia Ensign Cottrell, and
Michael Vance Cottrell, holding the most important family member -- the dog
Deadpan. Eula Baird Robertson is seated in the rocker. Adults in the back
row are, from left to right, Bernice Gardner, Cladyne Cottrell Barrett, Marianne
Cottrell, Opal Robertson Cottrell, Clay Rex Cottrell, Jerry LaStone Cottrell,
Billy Rex Cottrell, Carol Ray Cottrell. [Note: The Gardners were family friends
from Midland, Texas.]

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