Family Letters     


Letters 1951, Patricia "Trisha" Cottrell to her sister Hazel ("Totsy")

[at top in pen: Trisha Cottrell Jan. 20, 1951]

Dear Totsy,

How are you? I love to read stories.

How is Diana?

We got a letter from David. He said that he bought a jeep. He also said that he would be up here August. Friday we woke up our cow had a calf. Sunday Mike and Bobette went to Cosners house and she gave us a little puppy.

Tuesday from now is Bobbettes birthday.

The puppy likes Deadpan and Deadpan likes the puppy.

Haven't heard any war news today. Have you?

Nearly everyone in the house has a cold. I have a real bad cold myself. I bought my lunch today.

Sunday night we were running races. Bobbette and I ran together and Mike and Betsy ran together. I fell down and hurt my foot real bad. Today it swelled up. And I think I should go see a doctor about it. I can't hardly walk on it. Sorry I didn't write you sooner. I hardly ever get a chance to write a letter. So that is the reason I am so late answering. I will write you very very soon from now on. Easter is not far away.

I really had a nice Christmas this year. I just love the doll so much I want to sleep with it every night. I wish I could come to see you. How is Connie? Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you the puppy's name it is Bing. Please write me.

Kents Store Va
March 18, 1951

Dear Totsy,

Thanks alot for the quarter. How are you, Maryanne, and Hugo. I am getting along good in shool. How is Diana? Bing is a rascal. He eats eggs and gets in bed with Jerry with muddy feet. Now do you see what I mean about Bing being a rascal? The school sells icecream everyday. This is the kind they sell. Bananas, chocolate, and orange. If icecream wouldn't melt Id send you some. I will write again as soon as you anser me. You might as well be waiting for another letter. When I write a person a letter I like for them to sit right down and anser me just then. Please tell Maryanne that I said for her to write to me. Please anser soon.


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